
“Knowledge is power”, a well-known phrase used by many to emphasize the wisdom of those who seek to enhance their potential in life. The more knowledgeable you are on a subject, the greater your ability to obtain favorable results. This was ever so evident by those who attended the National Association of Royalty Owners national convention held recently in Las Vegas. From dealing with oil and gas leases to determining whether your decimal interest on a division order is correct, this first class event helped many gain tremendous knowledge to use in the management of their minerals. With many insightful presentations and the exchange of information among mineral owners, I believe every attendee increased their understanding of this industry; thus, increasing their power.

This was very evident in the Oklahoma caucus held on Saturday morning. It was well attended by not only the Oklahoma members but also a large contingent of out of state mineral owners. Many members of the OK NARO Board answered questions for a full hour. The topics were wide ranging and much was learned with the sharing of information by our Oklahoma contingent.

In my profession, I receive calls all the time from minerals owners with questions about their mineral interests. At times, I think we take for granted the knowledge we have obtained from NARO events. Some of us were lucky to grow up in the backyard of the Oklahoma oil fields, gaining first hand learning experiences from a very young age. From my dad’s knee, I learned the difference between mineral rights and surface rights and section quarter calls.

Others, especially those who live out of state, do not have those experiences to draw upon and they need the experience of these NARO events. I encourage everyone to become involved and attend our state conventions and other educational opportunities offered. It is through your involvement that you will attain the knowledge that will help you see the issues and know how to resolve them or, at the very least, know that you need to seek the advice of an expert in this area.

I hope that if in the future you meet mineral owners that do not have an understanding of their interests that you will encourage them to join NARO. NARO provides not only a tremendous educational experience, but also it is an opportunity to make friends with some wonderful and welcoming people.

The more we can learn about the oil and gas business and the management of our mineral interests, the better prepared we are to protect our interests. Will Rogers was quoted as saying “Everybody is ignorant, only on different subjects.” I hope you will encourage your friends and neighbors to become members of NARO. It will be good for all of us.