OK-NARO Annual Convention Recap

OK-NARO Annual Convention Recap

OK-NARO recently held its annual convention in Tulsa. It was a well-attended convention with members from both in and out of state. Although the oil and gas industry is still struggling, the general atmosphere among the attendees was one of optimism. The recent upward trend in the oil and gas markets seemed to have everyone looking to the future.

If you weren’t able to attend you missed a great set of speakers that addressed a number of relevant topics in the oil and gas industry. I had many conventioneers tell me they gained very useful information to take back home with them.



As I write this article, OK-NARO is in “crunch time” mode in preparation for our state convention. With the top-notched speakers scheduled, the 2016 convention should prove to be one of the best and I hope to see you in Tulsa, Oklahoma April 27th-29th!

Now, to my topic this month: Transitioning…the planning and evolution of your minerals to the next generation. This is one of the most important responsibilities you have as a mineral owner. Your minerals, whether obtained by inheritance from your forward thinking relatives or acquired by investing in the fruits of this industry, are valuable assets. We all understand the importance of seeing that our assets of land, stocks and bonds, and retirement accounts are properly transferred to the next generation. However, too many times I see in my business that minerals take a back seat in the transitioning process.

Oklahoma Convention 2016 – “Stewarding our National Treasure”

Oklahoma Convention 2016 – “Stewarding our National Treasure”

It’s Convention Time!! When you receive this newsletter, OK NARO’s Annual Convention will be about a month away. The theme this year is “Stewarding our National Treasure.” We are expecting royalty owners from all over our great state and many from across the country as they seek to better understand their mineral interests. I’m especially excited about the tremendous slate of presenters retained. No matter what your knowledge level may be, everyone will take home new information from the 2016 Convention. So register today to attend the convention at the Southern Hills Marriott in Tulsa, Oklahoma! I hope to see all of you on April 27th , 28th and 29th.